Featured Role-Playing Games

Lost Dragon of Phandelver, The

Reading Time: 1 minute

An adventurous DMDungeon Master might want to try combining the Starter Set‘s Lost Mine of Phandelver, with Essentials Kit‘s Dragon of Icespire Peak into one big adventure: The Lost Dragon of Phandelver.

The former is ideal for a group of 4-6, and includes an adventure book with everything the DM needs to get started running the Lost Mine of Phandelver, a rulebook for playing characters level 1-5, etc.

The latter contains the essentials you need to run a D&D game with one DM and one to five adventurers. A newly designed rulebook on-boards players by teaching them how to make characters, and the included adventure, Dragon of Icespire Peak.

Hardcopy (ISBN13)Softcopy
D&D: Starter Set 978-0-7869-6559-5Lost Mine of Phandelver on D&D Beyond
D&D: Essentials Kit 978-0-7869-6683-7Dragon of Icespire Peak on D&D Beyond
D&D Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle 978-0-7869-6793-5Dragons of Stormwreck Isle on D&D Beyond
These boxes contain the essential rules of the game plus everything you need to create characters and play the new adventures in this introduction to the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

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