Featured Malaysia Petaling Jaya Trading Card Games

March of the Machine Carnival – Malaysia

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Learn-to-Play in 3 simple steps
Trained staff will be on hand at dedicated learning corners to share the ropes of the game with new players. Using specially-developed educational tools, step into the world of Magic through bite-sized lessons on how to identify basic colours of the game, read a card, and understand the types of cards available.
Meet-and-Greet sessions
Choose your alliance as the heroine Elspeth comes alive with
special appearances at the stores on 8 April. Timings are subject to change…
1:00pm – 3:00pm: Classroom Café Uptown (New Phyrexia)
4:00pm – 6:00pm: Cards & Hobbies (Kamigawa)
Snap away!
…as you claim your first win: A photo booth invites you to step into a different plane (or hop across stores to try out different planes), as players and their friends create cherished memories of their exciting experiences. They can walk away with 2 free Jumpstart Booster Packs by sharing the photos on their social media platforms and tagging their friends with hashtags #MOMCARNIVAL, #MTGMachine and #MTGMachineSEA.
In conjunction with the upcoming launch of its latest set, March of the Machine, a series of fun carnival-styled activities will be available at two selected Local Game Stores: they will be transformed into planes depicted in the multiverse-centred thematic card set where heroes from different planes band together for the ultimate fight of good versus evil… from 8-9 April to introduce players to the popular strategy-based card game.

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