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Let’s Talk about the League of Legends in Magic: The Gathering

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hey, who gave the Planeswalkers access to Hextech? That’s going to be a lot of mana…

Lands ho! Arcane is Joining Magic: The Gathering
Due to Legends of Runeterra Card Game being inspired by Magic?

The award-winning Netflix original, Arcane, was an animated origin story to some of the most popular characters in the League of Legends lore. Riot Games promoted the show with a campaign called RiotX Arcane that included special in-game events and crossovers with adjacent, non-Riot, Games… which includes Magic: the Gathering.

You say that Wizards, but what if your Jace is just the one Jayce in the multiverse with the Spark? Also, only half of these cards needed a Universes Beyond reskin.
Learn more about the League of Legends franchise.

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