Featured Trading Card Games

Let’s Talk about the Hero’s Path on Theros

Reading Time: 6 minutes

⚔️ Hero’s Path was a series of quest experiences playing during the Theros block prerelease events, FNM release events, and Game Days, that paralleled Elspeth’s quest in the block’s storyline.

Face the Hydra in Theros.
Hydra to defeat.
Modern Visual Culture Society of Leeds Met (MOVIC) went to play the Born of the Gods pre-release event on September 21, 2013.
Born of the Gods
Battle the Horde, that’s Born of the Gods.
Modern Visual Culture Society of Leeds Met (MOVIC) went to play the Born of the Gods pre-release event on February 1, 2014.
Journey into Nyx
Journey into Nyx, and Defeat a God.
Xenagos, the Usurper.

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