The Song of All chronicles the beliefs, worldview, and wisdom of the planeswalker Serra, as expressed through her angels. The Song has 1000 cantos of varying lengths. The whole song would take many days, perhaps over a week, to sing from start to finish. Its full text doesn’t exist, unfortunately. Nine parts of various cantos can be found in flavor text from cards. Use the Gatherer tool to find the 13 cards that contain flavor text referencing the Song of All. If you look over the white cards from the Urza block, you’ll notice musical themes here and there, including choruses, hymns, and harpists, for example.
Brady Dommermuth,
Magic creative director
2 Into the smothering dark, Serra spoke a single word: ‘Hope. 3 From womb of nothingness sprang this place of beauty, purity, and hope realized. 11 From dust and light She coaxed forth an uncorrupted world. By Her grace we dwell here, free from suffering. 23 Our Mother! The sky was Her hair; the sun, Her face. She danced on the grass and in the hills. 167.1 Above them all is Truth, and Truth must be set free. If the wings of Truth are clipped, the voices will fall silent. 167.2 Next to Law is Duty, and Duty must be obeyed. If the frame of Duty is broken, none shall weave life’s fabric. 167.3 Next to Grace is Reason, and Reason must be retained. If the web of Reason comes unwoven, madness will escape. 167.4 Opposite Law is Grace, and Grace must be preserved. If the strands of Grace are unraveled, its design will be lost, and the people with it. 167.5 Life’s balance is as a star: on one point is Law, and Law must be upheld. If the knots of order are loosened, chaos will spill through. 211 The clouds came alive and dove to the earth! Hooves flashed among the dark army, who fled before the spectacle of fury. 524 The spirit of Serra raised Brindri high and commanded her to keep the balance. 524 Lifted beyond herself, for that battle Brindri was an angel of light and fury. 642 In the gathering there is strength for all who founder, renewal for all who languish, love for all who sing. 702 Mother of Light! Her warm embrace extends through ev'ry plane, for person and beast alike. 873 Your enemies will pound upon the door of your defenses, but only you shall have the key, and it is the key of life. 881 The tools of evil are mere things. And like all things, they cannot last forever. 903 The light of love shines brightly through even the smallest cracks. All shall be illuminated. 904 Those who endure in the face of suffering, those whose faith shines long in evil days, they shall see salvation. 918 The face of Light will shine upon them, and they will know war no more. 1008 Let go of all that harms you. Cast your burdens into the darkness, and build for the faithful a house of light.Song of All