🎴 It’s Pokémon Day this Sunday, and the global phenomenon that is Nostalgia Marketing is finally enabling companies, e.g. The Pokémon Company, to cash in on IPs that were an important part of a Millennial’s formative years: the 90s.

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Millennial Hypebeasts
In June 2003, Nintendo transferred the publishing rights of the TCG from Wizards of the Coast to The Pokémon Company.
The rapper, Logic, spent US$226,000 on a piece of nostalgia; tempting YouTuber Logan Paul to spend US$375,000 on fake unopened boxes of cards.
Figures provided by eBay show that the sale of collectable cards on its platform has risen 123% between July and October 2020 against the same period in the previous year.
How live-streamed $375k deal for Pokémon cards ended in disaster.
It’s likely that a combination of factors, that include the advent of good video game movies that leverage nostalgia, and the global pandemic that forced everyone to #StayHome and #StaySafe…
Organized Play events for the Pokémon TCG were cancelled for the next couple of years, and the rest of us turned into tidy freaks, opening boxes that mom shoved into the storeroom after we left the nest, reliving the good ol’ days before the lockdown: childhood.
When COVID-19 hit, a lot of Gen X and Millennials were looking for things to do and we found a lot of these guys and girls started playing Pokémon again because they grew up with it
Gotta catch ’em all: Pandemic sends prices soaring for Pokémon cards.
The Pokémon Trading Card Game produced approximately 3.7 billion cards between March 2020 and March 2021.
Pokémon Printed Over 3.5 Billion Cards During the Pandemic.
Coming Full Circle