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Let’s Talk about Magic: The Gathering in Duel Masters

Reading Time: 4 minutes
もしもWhat ifデュエマDuel Mastersにあんなhad such aカードcardがあったら?
Duel Masters’ past has literally come through a portal to greet the present-day players…
The latest DMEX-18 20th Anniversary Huge Thanks Memorial Pack: The Chapter of The Shadow Parallel Masters is the 18th DMEX booster pack in the OCG… this promo teases the incoming Magic collaboration.
🎴 Otherwise known as デュエDueMa to its fanbase, the Duel Masters Trading Card Game is celebrating its 20th Anniversary, and it’s doing so by releasing Collaboration Cards of famous Magic: the Gathering cards, such as the Black Lotusyes, you read that right.
🎴 We’re on TikTok too.
DMEX-18 wasn't the first time Magic cards found their way into Duel Masters... 
2016: DMX-22 SuperブラックBlackボックスBoxパックPack
2019: DMRP-09 New世界ZoneガチWas誕たんBorn! SuperGRガチャレンジandオレガOregaオーラOra!!
Kozilek, the Great Distortion
= DMRP-09 3/102 
Cyber K Wozurek / Wozurek’s Inquisition

a Twinpact card, with the lower half inspired by the Inquisition of Kozilek.
Headcanon: While the other cards (including Emrakul) are adaptions of existing Magic cards, indicating that DueMa is referencing other parts of the Multiverse, only Kozilek has gone native... 

This card seems to have been printed between the times we saw them in Rise of the Eldrazi and the Oath of the Gatewatch... 
is Wozurek actually Kozilek on another plane?
2020: DMEX-08 MysteryブラックBlackボックスBoxパックPack
Black Lotus
= DMEX-08 20/??? 
Black Lotus
Lava Coil
= DMEX-08 161/??? 
Lava Coil
Serra Angel
= DMEX-08 244/??? 
Serra Angel
2022: DMEX-18 20周年AnniversaryHuge感謝ThanksパックPack ShadowChapter パラレルParallelマスターズMasters
Living Death
= DMEX-18 S9/S15 
Living Death
Urza’s Rage
= DMEX-18 25/75 
Urza’s Rage
= DMEX-18 27/75 
= DMEX-18 58/75 
Brain Storm
Muscle Sliver
= DMEX-18 72/75 
Muscle Sliver
Pouncing Jaguar
= DMEX-18 73/75 
Pouncing Jaguar
デュエマDuel Masters in Magic: the Gathering?

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