Commander Showmatch Highlights
- Chishiro, the Shattered Blade (Upgrades Unleashed)
- Kotori, Pilot Prodigy (Buckle Up)
- Kaima, the Fractured Calm (Upgrades Unleashed)
- Shorikai, Genesis Engine (Buckle Up)
Cards featured:
- Sol Ring
- Colossal Plow
- Solemn Simulacrum
- Thoughtcast
- Chain Reaction
- Riddlesmith
- Rhythm of the Wild
- Tanuki Transplanter
- Ox of Agonas
- Ordeal of Nylea
- Crush Contraband
- Elemental Mastery
- Generous Gift
- Shimmer Myr
- Reality Shift
- Weatherlight
- Teshar, Ancestor’s Apostle
- Peacewalker Colossus
- Imposter Mech
- Walking Skyscraper
- Armed and Armored
- Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin
- Mirage Mirror
- Research Thief
- Cyberdrive Awakener
Power up, let’s go!
Start building your decks and play now!
Even though it’s only the third time we’ve played Magic: the Gathering with real cards online via SpellTable: Powered by Magic, it still felt amazing. Suffice to say we’re really happy with these decks and actually look forward to more games online! Remote magic made easy. Optimized for playing multiplayer Magic the Gathering virtually with friends (built-in Gatherer, card identification.) Great for EDH/Commander format; highly recommended.
Light it up and embrace the future.