we played a casual game of Commander with the pre-constructed Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Commander decks.
Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, SEA Commander Showdown, Round 1
- Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver (Undead Unleashed)
- Katilda, Dawnhart Prime (Coven Counters)
- Eloise, Nephalia Sleuth (Undead Unleashed)
- Leinore, Autumn Sovereign (Coven Counters)
Cards featured:
Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, SEA Commander Showdown, Round 2
- Eloise, Nephalia Sleuth (Undead Unleashed)
- Katilda, Dawnhart Prime (Coven Counters)
- Leinore, Autumn Sovereign (Coven Counters)
- Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver (Undead Unleashed)
Cards featured:
- Charcoal Diamond
- Dreadhorde Invasion
- Tomb Tyrant
- Syphon Flesh
- Bestial Menace
- Juniper Order Ranger
- Go for the Throat
- Eternal Skylord
- Lord of the Accursed
- Citadel Siege
- Elite Scaleguard
- Stitcher Geralf
- Army of the Damned
- Trostani’s Summoner
- Dearly Departed
- Liliana’s Devotee
- Aetherspouts
- Endless Ranks of the Dead
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Ruinous Intrusion
- Angel of Glory’s Rise
- Stalwart Pathlighter
- Abzan Falconer
- Heron’s Grace Champion
- Cleansing Nova
- Eater of Hope
Prepare for an enemy invasion with these amazing commanders!
Each and every card/deck is unique: Commanders in the game come in four colours: white and green (Selesnya), blue and black (Dimir); no red commander. Cards used in these decks may only be of the colours of their Commander, or colourless cards. During the game, players collect mana of their Commander’s colours, to cast spells and summon creatures to battle.
In a game of Magic: the Gathering, the spellslinger you must use tactics and strategy to defeat their opponents. To win, you need to either cause the enemy’s life points to drop from 40 to 0 or have them attempt to draw a card from an empty deck.
Commander gaming format also has an additional rule: If a player takes 21 points of damage from an opponent’s Commander, they lose the game.
Don’t wait for the apocalypse, start building your decks and play now!
It’s been years since we’ve played Commander, so it was a nail-biting game for us. Suffice to say we’re really happy with these decks and actually look forward to more games online, but with real cards!
That’s what made it extra special: being able to table shuffle and draw cards without a click. We played Magic: the Gathering on SpellTable: Powered by Magic: Remote magic made easy. Optimized for playing multiplayer Magic the Gathering virtually with friends (built-in Gatherer, card identification.) Great for EDH/Commander format; highly recommended.
Werewolves. Warlocks. Zombies.
Light Your Candle. The Harvesttide Festival is here. Will you try to ward off the coming dark? Or embrace the power of the encroaching darkness? Face your fears with new spooky mechanics and double-faced werewolf cards that become more terrifying at night!

summon your first Magic: the Gathering deck today!