小怪獣コン MiniKaijucon the joy of analog, tabletop gaming. There will be tournaments (with exciting prizes!), new games, and new friends to meet.
Saturday, 6 July 2019 | Sub-Event |
11:30-15:00 | Rummikub Championship Qualifiers – Negeri Sembilan |
11:30-15:00 | Board Gamers of Negeri Sembilan |
12:00-15:30 | Roll for Initiative! D&D / RPG in Negeri Sembilan |
Your friendly neighbourhood Board Game Café, Meeples will be hanging out with the N9 Tabletop Gamers group at Kokaijucon! Try out some of the latest and greatest board games from around the world for FREE before you buy them!Fun for all ages. More than 30 games to be played, including: Azul, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, etc.
Cash prizes & games to be won! Top prize is a FREE flight to Sibu, representing the Negeri Sembilan region in the Malaysia Rummikub Championship. ; Check-in starts at 12:00. Come early to avoid disappointment. . Rummikub is a unique combination of tactical thinking, luck and tense competition has made this classic family game to one of the most successful games for the past 70 years! Arrange the tiles to create the smartest color and numbers combinations. Will you be the first player to place all tiles and win the match?
Join us to play “the world’s greatest role-playing game.” Our Dungeon Masters will be hosting exciting, introductory sessions for the roleplaying game: Dungeons & Dragons. Schedule: Session 1 = 11:30-13:00; Session 2 = 13:30-15:00
九州的子弟们,你们准备好了吗?!怪兽要来啦!欢迎大家来到《小怪兽大会》体验到底什么是桌游。小怪兽出招:比赛(丰厚奖品)、各式桌游(免费试玩)、同好交流会。与同道中人集聚一堂,玩翻天!一场不插电的游戏盛会一定让你乐不思蜀、流连忘返。桌游( Board Gaming Malaysia ),近年来兴起的益智游戏,风靡不同年龄层的玩家,可说是老少咸宜。以往传统的棋盘游戏有 Monopoly 、 Scrabble 、 Jenga 、 UNO 、 #象棋 、 #围棋 、 #西洋棋等 ,而桌游的题材更显得五花八门、千变万化。当中的游戏机制也趋向于灵活多变、不再是零和游戏。游戏体验更着重于主题式的代入感。小怪兽会将是九州不容错过的一场盛会!!!
在这个7月6日,九州有幸成为Kaijucon——怪兽大会(全国性的桌游盛会)的前哨站,先来一场小怪兽会——Kokaijucon。位于Nilai的Mesa Mall将联合我们,N9 Tabletop Gamers承办此盛会。小怪兽带来琳琅满目的桌游选择,免费入场、免费试玩!
同时,我们也进行 Malaysia Rummikub Championship 森州选拔赛(需付报名费)。冠军得主将获得丰厚的奖金奖品和免费机票到Sibu角逐全国冠军荣誉!这是一场考验数学技巧和智力的赛事。
有看 The Big Bang Theory 连续剧的,也会知道主角们时不时会玩 The Settlers Of Catan,一款经典的德式策略桌游。小怪兽引起 Meeples – European Boardgame Cafe 的注意力,为九州玩家们带来30余款的桌游免费体验。定让大家尽兴而归,把小怪兽打倒!
如果大家有观赏美剧 Stranger Things ,就会知道里面的小孩们玩着一款 D&DMY – Dungeons & Dragons Malaysia 的角色扮演游戏,即紧张又刺激。就在活动当天,我们邀请两位 #RPG 大师Bruce和Gray来让大家体验什么是魔幻冒险之旅。4. XiangQi Open Challenge
最后,我们少不了中华最传统的“桌游”—— 象棋。如果觉得打败小怪兽意犹未尽,可以来 Mind Sports Academy 为大家准备的象棋擂台挑战赛,拼杀到最后一刻!