Board Games Malaysia Miniature Wargames

Gen Con 2005

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Convention time again! After Origins in July, be prepared for Gen Con. Bigger, better, bigger…..and er, better! Gencon which takes place in Indiana began yesterday and you can already see amazing setups of various game company booths.

Also, a note of apology to all visitors for a long period of no new posts; we’ve been very busy lately demoing Puerto Rico. It truly is a masterpiece and we can see why it’s #1 on BGG till today. But in the meanwhile check out Gen Con at Gamefest. Don’t wait for me!

Designer Games
The pictures above show the Axis and Allies Miniatures booth…
… and the other two showcase the World of Warcraft prototype demo.
Remember, it is only a prototype so if the colour schemes look bland or weird, remember that this is not the finished product.

Four of the most glorious days of gaming are over in the USAUnited States of America. Gen Con 2005 saw the release of many new and exciting products in the board games and collectable games line. Perhaps the most publicised and hyped-up event of the show was the release of the Axis and Allies Miniatures, whose booth featured life-size replicas of WWIIWorld War Two vehicles and even the bombed-out ruins of a French Cathedral’s ruins. See the whole range of miniatures at the Avalon Hill website.

For board games, the main releases were Eagle GamesConquest of the Empire and Railroad Tycoon.

For Fantasy Flight Games, it was Descent: Journeys in the Dark, and the World of Warcraft board game. Both games are epic in their own right with oversized boxes (Twilight Imperium 3 sized.)

But overall, we think the aspect of Gen Con that people cherish the most will be the demos and news of games to come in the near future. What’s next after Gen Con? SPIEL 2005 at Essen, Germany. Welcome to the home of the German board game revolution.

Designer Games

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