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From the Adventurers’ League to D&DMY, and RPGMY

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The D&D Adventurers League is an ongoing official campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. It uses the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons rules. You can play D&D Adventurers League games literally anywhere. Players use the fifth edition rules to create a character and bring that character to games anywhere D&D Adventurers League play is happening.

Pre-5eFifth Edition
Role Playing Game Association 3.5e
Role Playing Game Association 4e
D&D Adventurers League 5e
2015 – 2016
Gray reached out to the Asia Pacific Adventurers’ League Regional Coordinators, and was duly appointed the Local Coordinator for Malaysia (March 8, 2015.)

In the early days, we had to search the country for DMDungeon Masters who were willing to run Organized Play demonstrations (and eventually campaigns) in select stores around the country (mostly in/around the Klang Valley.)

We had to clarify that we weren’t a store, and that there was very little support locally to begin with: Material support was almost impossible to get a hold of, as none of the stores here were familiar with the game. User management was incredibly difficult, ensuring the Encounters & Expeditions modules did not get distributed beyond a circle of select Dungeon Masters for the programme.

Many stores also found it hard to differenciate it from WotCWizards of the Coast‘s other game, Magic: the Gathering, whose competitive nature created more product-driven marketing initiatives; and weren’t even aware they could log our sessions into their Wizards Play Network terminals. It was an uphill battle to eduate our local industry…

As the Malaysian community grew, we attracted sufficient attention from non-ALAdventurers’ League gamers, and had to expand the scope of the Facebook group to welcome more forms D&DDungeons & Dragons (including older editions, homebrews, etc.) and eventually started a new group to support all the other kinds of tabletop RolePlaying Game communities in Malaysia
2017 – 2018
Dec 2016, the Advenurers’ League programme was opened up to allow the format to be played beyond stores and conventions; the former would no longer bear the burden of recording OPOrganaized Play sessions through WPNWizards Play Network, and community created content would be moved into their new DM’s Guild platform. This meant dropping support for Local Coordinators & Regional Coordinators: To more closely manage the flow of messaging out to retailers and fans, the D&D team plans on working together internally with both the Wizards Customer Service and Retail Support teams. Those teams are being trained and updated to achieve the goal of more consistent and accurate communication. Since the Customer Service and Retail Support teams will handle all this going forward, this means that regional and local coordinator roles are no longer necessary.

In tandem with the legendary North Tour, we re-organized under RPGMYRolePlaying Gamers of Malaysia part of the overall KakiTabletop network.
2019 – March 2020
Eventually (as we’d hoped) there would appear more tabletop RPG organizers in the scene, allowing KakiTabletop to focus more broadly on event organizing and covering the overall Tabletop Gaming scene…

Many of our local DMs had since given up on AL, as the benefits of standardizing character sheets to be able to transfer them between campaign tables/stores, didn’t happen: the loss of alignment between AL and WPN stores was detrimental to the appeal of standardization. Many of us carried on with our loosely rules, homebrew campaigns and one-shots.

But some Dungeon Masters got together to organize AL games through Facebook & Discord. On September 28, we held a debriefing session for those interested in continuing to Adventurers’ League programme: at home, in their stores, etc. anywhere! We looked forward to a decentralized Adventurers’ League
COVID-19 Pandemic
Throughout the pandemic, many tabletop gamers shifted gears and continued to play analogue games with digital assistance, or shifted gears to online versions of their favourite games.
2022 – Today
Going back to our roots: DM Gray hosted a beginner-friendly D&D session at our very first #TTREXKL event. Since then, the weekly, fortnightly, monthly meetup has attracted fresh, new adventurers and dungeoneers to the heart of Kuala Lumpur for a taste of the world’s greatest role-playing game, with a rotating cast of volunteer Dungeon Masters.

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