Featured Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Role-Playing Games

Dungeons & Dragons, at Hobby Quarters

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The D&D Malaysian Adventurers League is coming to Tabletop RPG @ HQ Sri Petaling! Join us!

  • Minimum of 4 people required to start playing, and a maximum of 7 people per session.
  • Each session is led by one Dungeonmaster (DM).
  • No experience required.

What are we playing? The DM will check on who has any experience with the latest D&D system/storyline, and decide accordingly. Preference is given to either:

  • Lost Mines of Phandelver (lvl 1-4)
  • Tyranny of Dragons: Hoard of the Dragon Queen (lvl 1-15)
  • Tyranny of Dragons: Rise of Tiamat (lvl?)
  • Expeditions: Phlan (lvl 1-20)