Our recommended step-by-step Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Role-Playing Game (RPG) character creation guide for campaigns set in the: Forgotten Realms; the list is based entirely on published hardcopy materials in D&D 5e.
- What species/Race is your character?
(subraces are optional)- Aarakocra
- Aasimar
- Protector
- Scourge
- Fallen
- Bugbear
- Centaur
- Changeling
- Dragonborn
- Chromatic Dragonborn
- Gem Dragonborn
- Metallic Dragonborn
- Dwarf
- Hill Dwarf
- Mountain Dwarf
- Grey Dwarves (Duergar)
- Elf
- High Elf
- Moon Elf (Silver)
- Sun Elf (Gold)
- Wood Elf (Copper)
- Dark Elf (Drow)
- Eladrin
- Avariel (Winged Elf)
- Lythari (Wolf Elf)
- Sea Elf (Water)
- Star Elf
- Wild Elf
- Shadar-kai (Shadowfell)
- High Elf
- Fairy
- Firbolg
- Genasi
- Air
- Earth
- Fire
- Water
- Gith
- Githyanki
- Githzerai
- Gnome
- Forest Gnome
- Rock Gnome
- Deep Gnomes (Svirfneblin)
- Goblin
- Goliath
- Half-Elf
- Half-Orc
- Halfling
- Lightfoot
- Stout / Strongheart
- Harengon
- Hobgoblin
- Human (no stat difference):
- Calishite,
- Chondathan,
- Damaran,
- Illuskan,
- Mulan,
- Rashemi,
- Shou,
- Tethyrian,
- Turami.
- Kenku
- Kobold
- Lizardfolk
- Minotaur
- Orc
- Satyr
- Shifter
- Tabaxi
- Tiefling
- Asmodeus
- Baalzebul
- Dispater
- Fierna
- Glasya
- Levistus
- Mammon
- Mephistopheles
- Zariel
- Tortle
- Triton
- Yuan-Ti
- Also, see:
- Racial Feats (Xanathar’s Pg. 73)
- Demonic Boons (Mordenkainen’s pg. 30)
- What is your character’s name?
- Height? Weight? Age? Sex & Gender?
- Background:
What did your character do before they became a hero?- Acolyte
- Charlatan
- City Watch
- Clan Crafter
- Cloistered Scholar
- Courtier
- Criminal
- Entertainer
- Faction Agent
- Harpers
- Order of the Gauntlet
- Emerald Enclave
- Lords’ Alliance
- Zhentarim
- Far Traveller
- Evermeet
- Halruaa
- Kara-Tur
- Mulhorand
- Sossal
- Zakhara
- Underdark
- Folk Hero
- Guild Artisan
- Hermit
- Inheritor
- Knight of the Order
- Unicorn
- Myth Drannor
- Silver Chalice
- Mercenary Veteran
- Noble
- Outlander
- Sage
- Sailor
- Soldier
- Urban Bounty Hunter
- Urchin
- Uthgardt Tribe Member
- Waterdhavian Noble
- (Refer to your background.) What are your:
- Personality Traits
- Ideals
- Bonds
- Flaws
- Also, see:
- Personal Decisions (Xanathar’s Pg. 64)
- Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral/Lawful – Good/Evil/Unaligned
- What languages can you speak/read? (check race, class, and background)
- What Class is your character now?
(Class specialisations only apply after choosing your subclass)- Artificer
- Alchemist
- Armourer
- Artillerist
- Battle Smith
- Barbarian
- Path of the Berserker
- Path of the Totem Warrior
- Path of the Ancestral Guardian
- Path of the Storm Herald
- Path of the Zealot
- Path of the Beast
- Path of Wilf Magic
- Bard
- College of Lore
- College of Valor
- College of Glamour
- College of Swords
- College of Whispers
- College of Creation
- College of Eloquence
- Cleric
- Knowledge Domain
- Life Domain
- Light Domain
- Nature Domain
- Tempest Domain
- Trickery Domain
- War Domain
- Forge Domain
- Grave Domain
- Order Domain
- Peace Domain
- Twilight Domain
- Druid
- Circle of the Land
- Circle of the Moon
- Circle of Dreams
- Circle of the Shepherd
- Circle of Spores
- Circle of Stars
- Circle of Wildfire
- Fighter
- Champion
- Battle Master
- Eldritch Knight
- Arcane Archer
- Cavalier
- Samurai
- Psi Warrior
- Rune Knight
- Monk
- Way of the Open Hand
- Way of Shadow
- Way of the Four Elements
- Way of the Drunken Master
- Way of the Kensei
- Way of the Sun Soul
- Way of the Ascendant Dragon
- Way of Mercy
- Way of the Astral Self
- Paladin
- Oath of Devotion
- Oath of the Ancients
- Oath of Vengeance
- Oath of Conquest
- Oath of Redemption
- Oath of Glory
- Oath of the Watchers
- Ranger
- Hunter
- Beast Master
- Gloom Stalker
- Horizon Walker
- Monster Slayer
- Drakewarden
- Fey Wanderer
- Swarmkeeper
- Rogue
- Thief
- Assassin
- Arcane Trickster
- Inquisitive
- Mastermind
- Scout
- Swashbuckler
- Phantom
- Soulknife
- Sorcerer
- Draconic Bloodline
- Wild Magic
- Divine Soul
- Shadow Magic
- Storm Sorcery
- Aberrant Mind
- Clockwork Soul
- Warlock
- The Archfey
- The Fiend
- The Great Old One
- The Celestial
- The Hexblade
- The Fathomless
- The Genie
- Wizard
- School of Abjuration
- School of Conjuration
- School of Divination
- School of Enchantment
- School of Evocation
- School of Illusion
- School of Necromancy
- School of Transmutation
- War Magic
- Bladesinging
- Order of the Scribes
- Also, see:
- Class training (Xanathar’s pg. 66)
- Artificer
- Also, see:
- Starting wealth (PHB Pg. 143)
- This is your life (Xanathar’s Pg. 61)
Every game is a new campaign.
If you want to actually play the Role-Playing Games, check out the fifth edition Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master’s Guide. These rulebooks introduce you to the vast multiverse of D&D and invite you to create unique characters and worlds within it.

play Dungeons & Dragons today!