Board Games Featured Klang Valley

βeta-Con 1.0 by TTGDMY

Reading Time: < 1 minute
📅 Datetime🗺️ Venue
23 – 24 Apr 2016, 11:00 – 19:00KDU University College
Utropolis, Jalan Kontraktor U1/14,
Glenpark U1,
40150 Shah Alam,
βeta-Con 1.0, a tabletop convention exploring what Malaysia has to offer the vast and varied world of tabletop gaming.
Beta Booths
A public space for tabletop game designers to showcase and promote their work.
Pre-Loved Sales
A trading environment for second-hand tabletop games.
LFG Tables
Tables for anyone to share and play tabletop games.
A space for vendors to trade their products and showcase their services.
Dungeons & Dragons, at βeta-Con 1.0