Board Games Review

Twillight Imperium: 3rd Edition

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The game that started it all, TITwilight Imperium by Christian T. Petersen, was FFGFantasy Flight Games’ very first game and has since become its number one selling game of all time…

TI3Twilight Imperium 3 is an epic empire-building game of interstellar conflict, trade, and struggle for power. Players take the roles of ancient galactic civilizations, each seeking to seize the imperial throne via warfare, diplomacy, and technological progression. With new oversize geomorphic board tiles, finely detailed plastic miniatures, hundreds of cards, and a massive plurality of options, TI3 will arrive before an audience that has been starving for epic space conflict since TI2Twilight Imperium 2went out of print in the spring of 2003.

Retail price: RM350
Science Fiction Games

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